The Complete Format of SAT And ACT Tests?

SAT and ACT both are the standardized tests in the US which are necessary to get cleared by the students who want to complete their studies in their desired colleges. The ACT is conducted to measure the knowledge of the students in five core subjects including English, math, science, reading, and writing while the SAT is the combination of four core subjects such as language, reading, writing, and mathematics with an essay which is optional. Let’s have complete knowledge about the SAT and ACT test:

Test Geek

What is the SAT?
SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment test (earlier it was called scholastic aptitude test) which is conducted for the students who are applicants in the college for seeking admissions. The students get admission on behalf of their scores of SAT in the college and chose the subjects accordingly. The total duration of the SAT test is 3 hours, and 50 minutes extra are given to those who choose an essay writing as it is optional. The score range between 400 and 1600 points. To achieve the desired score in SAT, students start preparation beforehand by joining Oklahoma City SAT Prep classes. The only reason behind this is to utilize their time to collect maximum knowledge for the test.

What is the ACT?
The ACT test is conducted to measure the core knowledge of the students about five subjects - English, mathematics, science, reading and writing. The score of ACT is utilized for college admission in the US. The duration of the paper is 2 hours and 55 minutes while an extra 40 minutes are provided if the ACT is taken with writing by the students. Students who want to get ranked in ACT join Oklahoma City ACT Prep classes in advance alongside their schooling. So, they can prepare for ACT as maximum as they can side by side without wasting their time.

How to Prepare The Tests?
Tests are very hard to attempt as both the SAT and ACT are lengthy papers which require proper time management along with loads of knowledge to solve the queries. The interested or we can say the ambitious students start their practice many months before the real tests. The only reason behind choosing the advance practice for the tests is to score high in the tests so that they can be chosen for their interesting subjects by the colleges.

Both of the tests need proper study material, a sufficient amount of time, and 100% concentration of the students. If any of these gets missing means your result will get negative impact. While in the private Oklahoma City Act Classes, these three pillars get aligned for the students by the tutors. Along with the knowledge, teacher of Oklahoma City ACT prep provides different strategies of time management to the students so that they can solve all the questions easily before or on time without making any errors. Oklahoma City SAT Prep class teacher also makes possible for the students to give their 100% attention to those subjects or topics they get low points during the class practice tests.


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